• Come join the Mary Ingles Trail Blazers (MITB) chapter of the West Virginia Scenic Trails Association (WVSTA) at our meetings, work hikes, and special events throughout the year as we develop & maintain the Mary Ingles Trail.

    Through special weekend events and week eve work hikes, our work on the Mary Ingles Trail continues. You may find spur-of-the-moment event plans on our facebook page:

  • To receive e-mail notices of Mary Ingles Trail Blazers’ happenings, contact Doug Wood,, and ask to be placed on his e-mail list.

    For updates within a week before a scheduled event, use Doug’s phone number, 304-550-1006, not the e-mail address, or you’re likely not to receive a response in time. Doug sends e-mail notices only blind-copy, meaning, your e-address will be shared with nobody else.