Your donation helps

WVSTA build and maintain trails

  • How Your Donation Is Used

    Your tax deductible donation helps WVSTA promote trails, maintain trails and support the incredible volunteers

    Thank you from the entire WVSTA organization!

  • Tax Deductible

    The WVSTA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

    Please consult with a tax professional if you have any tax question concerning your donation.

  • WV Residents

    West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of WVSTA registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, West Virginia 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement.

  • Five Funds to Choose From

    - Tools and Equipment
    - Volunteer Needs
    - Promotion / Outreach
    - Mary Ingles Memorial Trail (MIMT)
    - General Fund

    Scroll down below the donation box to see a description of each of the funds to which you can provide support.

  • Donate Online

    Use the donation box below.

    - Select one of donation funds. Use the drop-down selector to display the list of funds.

    - Choose a donation amount from the list or choose your own custom amount.

  • Donate By Mail

    Donations may also be made via snail mail to

    West Virginia Scenic Trails Association,
    PO Box 4042
    Charleston, WV 25364


Select a fund for your donation (use the dropdown selector below to display the fund list.)

Donate to the fund for Tools / Equipment


Volunteer Needs - Including

  • Campsites with Proper Amenities - showers / toilets

  • Med-kits

  • GPS Communication Devices - Inreach

  • PPE - Ear Protection, Eye Protection, Gloves

  • Volunteer Meals

  • Reward Gear

  • Walkie Talkie

Tools & Equipment - Including

  • Weed-Wackers

  • Saws

  • Blazes

  • Nails

  • Lumber for projects - bridge / shelter

  • Kombi units - attachments,

  • Fuel

  • Bar Oil

  • Tread Work Tools

Outreach & Promotion - Including

  • Regional Tabling / Vending Fees

  • Trail Days

  • Cheat Fest

  • Forest Festival

  • Pinhoti Fest

  • State Wide Meet The Trail Nights

  • Improved Signage

  • Giveaways For Partners

  • Raffles,

Mary Ingles Memorial Trail (MIMT)

  • The Mary Ingles Memorial Trail will be a 1-mile loop trail designed as a healthy outdoor corridor in a pleasant, restored natural setting that is currently a favorite spot for birders, anglers, and other nature enthusiasts.

  • The Mary Ingles Trail Blazers Chapter has been awarded a grant from the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) of the West Virginia Department of Transportation. The project award was $212,432. However, the full cost of the project was estimated in FY2023 at $363,040, leaving the MITB with the daunting task of raising $150,608.  We are now in FY2025, and materials and labor costs have gone up.  Now we need to raise $175,000 to complete the project.  Please contribute to this much-needed community project.

  • The upper Kanawha Valley is one of the least-served areas in Kanawha County. Currently, visitors are restricted to walking on the roadway that leads from the parking area to the fishing area. The loop trail will provide a mile of walking in a more natural environment free from potential road hazards. The trail will also provide cultural history and natural history education through signage describing the important east-west trail corridor provided by the river and its valley.

  • Learn more about this project, click here.

General Fund

Everything not earmarked will go into this account.