Message to WVSTA Members
Board Member Nomination
Once a year, WVSTA Members in good standing have the opportunity to vote to elect board members to represent the membership of WVSTA.
Board elections take place at the WVSTA annual membership meeting, which takes place at the W5 in June. This year it is taking place on June 21, 2025, early evening. The Board members serve July – June. Each Board member serves for one year.
If you are interested in being considered for one of these positions or would like to nominate someone for one of these positions, please click on the “Nomination Form” button at the end of this message.
This year's Board members are:
President: Jeff Byard (cannot be reelected this year),
Vice President: Justin Mullins (cannot be reelected this year),
Secretary: Marissa Bennett,
Treasurer: Tiffany Mullins,
Publications Representative: Doug Wood,
Honors and Awards Representative: Kris King.
Please read the following to familiarize yourself with each position and the responsibilities expected.
Please submit all nominations by March 30, 2025.
PAST PRESIDENT – The Past President shall use his/her previous experience and gained wisdom to guide the WVSTA board on both policy and action. In the event of neither president nor vice president being available to preside at a meeting, the past president shall preside. (This is not an elected position.)
PRESIDENT - As chief officer of WVSTA, the President shall supervise its affairs and activities, preside over meetings, and serve as the spokesperson for WVSTA.
VICE PRESIDENT - The Vice President shall assist the President and preside over any meeting at which the President is absent. The Vice President shall coordinate the activities of committees and shall report such to the Executive Board in the absence of a committee representative.
SECRETARY - The Secretary shall be responsible for outgoing mail from WVSTA, shall maintain an up-to-date record of all Executive Board and annual meetings, shall distribute notice of meetings and minutes to board members, shall be responsible for the filing and safekeeping of WVSTA records, and shall preside at any meeting at which the President and Vice President are absent.
TREASURER - The Treasurer shall have responsibility of accounting for the receipt, retention, and disbursement of all funds of WVSTA. The Treasurer shall prepare a financial record with transaction details for each executive board meeting and annual meeting and shall ensure that all voting members are in good standing at each meeting. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate on-going membership roster and shall report members eligible for veteran status to the executive board. The Treasurer shall ensure that the bank card for all financial accounts of WVSTA have at least the signature of the President and the Treasurer listed. The Treasurer or his/her representative, shall manage the Allegheny Trail Hiking Guide Fund (a sinking fund).
HOURS AND AWARDS REPRESENTATIVE - The Hours and Awards Representative shall accumulate work hike reports from coordinators, keep a record of hours worked by volunteers, see that volunteers receive awards, and shall update WVSTA’s system of awards and recognition, subject to Executive Board approval.
PUBLICATIONS REPRESENTATIVE - The Publications Representative, working with the Treasurer, shall maintain an archive of all WVSTA publications, shall publish the newsletter, and shall be responsible for the creation and marketing (where applicable) of all publications of WVSTA, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. This representative shall manage, in concert with the Treasurer, and Store Manager the Association’s petty cash fund used for the performance of the representative’s duties.
Jennifer Bunner and Maya Hoffman
Co-chairs of the Nominating Committee
If you cannot access this form or do not wish to submit your nominations using this form, please feel free to contact Jennifer or Maya, whose contact information is listed below.
Maya Hoffmann
Jennifer Bunner,