Mary Ingles Trail Blazers
Photo Gallery of the Mary Ingles Trail
on Appalachian Power Company Property
in Putnam County, WV
01 - Steamstack, APCo tract
02 - Black Oak, APCo track
03 - Pet leash notification
04 Chanterlles, APCo tract
05 - Juicy Blackberries, APCo tract
06 - KSF Kisok
07 - E Lahr, APCo tract
08 - Spring Moss, APCo tract
09 - Interpretive sign
10 - Ravine Salamander
11 - Bridge constructed by APCo employees
12 - Maidenhair Fern
13 - Hikers Lois and Karen
14 - A bizzare symbol left on the MI Trail
15 - Installing an interpretive sign
16 - Early inhabitants interpretive sign
17 - Wetlands of Winfield overlook
18 - Putnam youth doing trail work
20 - MI trail relo work
21 - More MI trail relo wok
22 - Job well done!
23 - Finishing touches on trail blaze
24 - Installing trailhead marker
25 - Blowdown in January 2012
26 - Blowdown cleared
27 - Work improving tread
28 - Showing off tread improvement
29 - View of the John Amos power plant
30 - Kanawha Trail Club hike
31 - KTC hilltop breather
32 - Tread improvement work
33 - Installing a trailhead sign
34 - Checking level of trailhead sign
35 - Hiker crossing powerline r.o.w.
36 - Northern Fence Lizard defies winter
37 - Sunset from a hilltop
38 - Trailhead parking lot construction
39 - Clearing logs off the trail
40 - A small woodland glade
41 - Eagle Scout project leader Matt Handley
42 - Old Farts vs log
43 - Tread takes shape
44 - Ground Skink watches treadwork
45 - Creating a snowman on the trail
46 - Avid trail maintainer, snowman
Photo Captions
01 - Steamstack view along a newly-mowed segment of the MI Trail on APCo tract in May 2019 (Doug Wood photo).
02 - A large Black Oak in the Old-growth Forest stand on the APCo tract in May 2018 (Doug Wood photo).
03 - Pet leash notification at the Bills Creek Trailhead, May 2018 (Doug Wood photo).
04 - Delectable Chanterelles along the MI Trail in July 2018 (Doug Wood photo).
05 - Juicy Blackberries along the MI Trail (Doug Wood photo).
06 - Eleanor Lahr, who retraced Mary Ingles’ footsteps and inspired the Mary Ingles Trail Blazers, visits the Rockcamp Branch Trailhead of the MI Trail in KSF with Doug Wood in Mrch 2012. (Photo by Sarah Cotto-Thorner).
07 - Eleanor Lahr hiked the MI Trail APCo segment in 2018 for the first time. Her book Angels Along The River, recounts her inspiring story of retracing Mary’s footsteps in 1987 (Doug Wood photo). You can read excerpts from the book at:
08 - Beautiful new greenery on a moss clump along the APCo MI Trail segment in March 2018 (Doug Wood photo).
09 - Doug tamps an interpretive sign near Beaver Creek in 2017 (Dianne Anestis photo).
10 - A Ravine Salamander that was under a rock along the MI Trail in March, 2016 (Doug Wood photo).
11 - Bridge constructed by APCo employees on the MI Trail in Spring 2016 got a trail marker attached to it by MITB volunteers Jonathan & Dianne (Doug Wood photo).
12 - Maidenhair Fern along the MI Trail (D. Wood photo).
13 - Hikers Lois and Karen cross a raging headwater stream in March 2015 (Doug Wood photo).
14 - A bizzare symbol left on the MI Trail in March 2015 (Doug Wood photo).
15 - Jimmy, Doug, & Lois erect an interpretive sign in August 2015 (Karen Bess photo).
16 - Loretta reads about early inhabitants in the Kanawha Valley along the MI Trail in November 2015 (Doug Wood photo).
17 - Wetlands of Winfield overlook along the MI Trail (Doug Wood photo).
18 - Putnam youth tackle a brushy section of the MI Trail in July 2013 (Doug Wood photo).
19 - No photo
20 - John Gibson of Tri-state Company established tread on MI Trail relo in August 2013 (Doug Wood photo).
21 - Tri-state Company’s Charlie Dundas watches John Gibson’s operation (Doug Wood photo).
22 - Dale signals “job well done” on the Aug. 2013 relocation (Doug Wood photo).
23 - Rose puts finishing touches on the relocated MI Trail (Doug Wood photo).
24 - WVDOH workers erect trailhead marker at Bills Creek in January 2012 (Doug Wood photo).
25 - Blowdown in January 2012 (Doug Wood photo).
26 - Blowdown cleared (Doug Wood photo).
27 - Dianne & Karen improve tread in January 2011 (Doug Wood photo).
28 - Lois shows off her tread improvement in January 2011 (Doug Wood photo).
29 - View of the John Amos power plant from the MI Trail in January 2011 (Doug Wood photo).
30 - Kanawha Trail Club hike on the MI Trail in January 2011 (Doug Wood photo).
31 - KTC hilltop breather (Doug Wood photo).
32 - Doug & Lois improve tread in February 2011 (Dianne Anestis photo).
33 - Chuck & Doug erect a trailhead sign at Winfield in October 2011 (Dianne Anestis photo).
34 - Dianne checks level of sign at Bills Creek Trailhead (Doug Wood photo).
35 - Ken, Ruthana, & Jeanie hike in November 2011 across a powerline r.o.w. (Doug Wood photo).
36 - A Northern Fence Lizard defies the approach of winter in November 2011 (Doug Wood photo).
37 - Sunset from a hilltop along the MI Trail in January 2010 (Doug Wood photo).
38 - Bills Creek Trailhead parking lot construction in February 2010 (Doug Wood photo).
39 - Doug, Lois, & Martha clear logs off the MI Trail in February 2010 (Dianne Anestis photo).
40 - A small woodland glade along the MI Trail in July 2010 verdure (Doug Wood photo).
41 - Eagle Scout project leader Matt Handley receives instruction from Dianne during a trail clearing/blazing effort in August 2010 on the APCo tract (Doug Wood photo).
42 - To assure that none of the old farts wrench their backs, Matt instructs us to distribute the effort (Dianne Anestis photo).
43 - Tread takes shape on the APCo tract in January 2009 (Dianne Anestis photo).
44 - “Hey, who uncovered my hideaway?” says a Ground Skink temporarily displaced by the treadwork (Doug Wood photo).
45 - Midge and Martha create a snowman on the MI Trail along a ridge in Putnam Co., WV in February 2009 (Doug Wood photo).
46 - Turns out the snowman is actually an avid trail maintainer (Doug Wood photo).